Dante's Hell - A Journey to the Center of the Earth
Inferno Cast
Inferno Narration
Infernal screenings
Infernal Gratitude
Infernal Trailer


The narration of Dante's Hell film was recorded during February 2009, and as one of the most important steps of production.The narration consists of describing each circle and the divisions of the 7th (three rings), 8th (ten chasms) and 9th (four zones) circles of Inferno. This takes place before each speaker talks about the specifics of a given circle or one of their divisions. The narration is done interchangeable in English and Italian.

The English narration was recorded by Golden Globe nominee Jeff Conaway (Grease, Babylon 5, Taxi, etc) who has been interested in being part of the feature film since he heard about it. Mr. Conaway had been out of acting for over a year at the time of his recording since his painful four back operations. This was his big come back in the film industry with one of the most important parts in Dante's Hell, and later its sequel Dante's Purgatori .

There are several reasons why Jeff Conaway was chosen to do this unique narration. Mr. Conaway has written a book about Lucifer, which is in the final stages of revision and soon be published. He is also a unique "name" artist that can work in truly independent films because of his Financial Core actor's guild status. You may read more about this special actor's status in Jon Voight's open letter.

Jeff Conaway has always been passionate to be part of Dante's Inferno, so producer and director, Boris Acosta, thought he should have an important role in this film and its sequel Dante's Purgatorio.

The Italian narration was done by Franco Nero, a legend in the film industry.     

Expect something unique!


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